Wednesday, March 14, 2012

How To Make A Rocket

First get a birdhouse and a very very long stick.
Hold the birdhouse upside down.
Push the long stick into the birdhouse.
Put a match on it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Make Eggs

"Dear GG, how do you make eggs?"

To make scrambled eggs, you crack the shell on the bowl side.  You put how many eggs you want in the bowl.  Like, if you have two people you put in two eggs.  Then you scramble them up with a spatula.  No a whisk.  Then you add a sploosh of milk.  But not cow's milk because I am allergic.  I use goat's milk.  Next Daddy pours it into a iron skillet with butter melted in it.  Then you put it in the oven of course, silly! When it's done you take it out and you eat it with a spoon, hahahaha!

Friday, March 9, 2012

What is a Princess

"Dear GG, what is a princess?"

A princess is someone who is very, very nice.  She never "be's" mean.  She has a beautiful heart.

("Are you a princess?")

Yes, of course I am because I am nice.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to Make Cereal

"Dear GG, How do you make cereal?"

Put cereal in the bowl.
Put the milk in the bowl.
Thank you.